What is the Little Heroes Project?

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"I am a little fighter!

I may have been diagnosed with SMA, but I will not let it define me.

I will stand tall and face every obstacle that comes my way and

I will never give up."

​I met Mayse and her family through the Scares that Care charity and from the first time I saw and heard about her I saw someone special. Watching just a portion of the different treatments and daily routines she has had to go through I was amazed to see her still smiling. Watching her grow she quickly became a huge inspiration for me, no matter my mood a quick picture or video of Mayse will instantly raise my spirits. Mayse is such a strong little girl and even with all the obstacles she has had to face she stays strong and wears a beautiful smile while she does it.

Don't ever give up! You have a huge family of support here that has your back whenever you need us.

"Hello my name is Kennady. I was given a tough challenge early on in life, but with my family standing behind me I have chosen to stand up and take neuroblastoma head on. I will wear this pretty smile with pride for the rest of my life and be thankful for what I have."

​I was introduced to little Kenna bear through mutual friends and hearing her diagnosis was instantly touched. At such a young age she has been tested with the challenge to fight for her life. Through her photos and stories from her parents Kennady is a fun little girl always being playful and keeps a big smile on her face. Enjoying life and holding onto that inner child we all try to get back as adults. Kennady you may have been given this challenge to take on neuroblastoma, but I believe and will pray that you stay strong and never lose that child playfulness. Your family will be there 100% to have your back and hold you. You also have an extended family here in your friends that will pray for you and will be your support when you need us.

Don't ever give up! You have a huge family of support here that has your back whenever you need us.

"I will keep smiling and brighten up every room I enter. I may have been diagnosed with SMA, but me and my family will not let this hold me back or break me down. Instead we were given a stronger purpose in life, something much bigger than ourselves, and we will connect and do our best to help other families dealing with our same situation."

​I was introduced to Kaiden through little Mayse and her family. I read his mother's story and just hearing her words about what she had to go through was heartbreaking. However she decided to have faith and even with his diagnosis she stayed strong for her little boy. The family even stepped up bigger and created the fighting for Kaiden foundation and have helped a large number of other families battle SMA. Stepping up to life and dealing with the challenges thrown at you is one thing, but leaping past that and using your experience to help out others that are struggling is truly amazing to me. Kaiden, his family, and his community of support will continue to fight and kick SMA's butt!

Don't ever give up! You have a huge family of support here that has your back whenever you need us.

​"I will put up my dukes and I will go the distance. I will not wait or allow the split decision, I am going straight for the knockout!"

Mason I met through mutual friends and I am so happy that they reached out to me. Seeing his story and the pictures of him happy and fighting have truly inspired me and my purpose. Mason is a fun and happy kid and keeps fighting. Now Mayse was the one who inspired this project and the purpose, However seeing Mason with those boxing gloves on inspired a new direction that needed to happen. A revision that had to take place in order to reach more people and more families. With his help I was able to combine both my own style and creatures or animals with his drive and inspiration to create something that was truly amazing and would attract people. But also would not be too personal like the likeness busts were.

​Thank you Mason, Keep fighting strong.

Don't ever give up! You have a huge family of support here that has your back whenever you need us.

"I will smile in every precious moment!"

A beautiful Angel that was called back to heaven before her time.

I learned of this little girl through a mutual friend and reached out for a connection and some extra support. I discovered an amazing family that is staying strong through everything life has thrown at them. I met this little angel through her mother, Zailynn had a smile that could light up a room and was a lovable sassy little girl. Every moment was precious and they made sure to focus on Life and not on her condition SMA. They were heartbroken when given the news and had to make the toughest decisions of their lives but they did make sure that Zailynn lived a special life and made every moment with her count.

​"I can make you smile, even in your darkest moments."

Join me as I take on this world with a smile and sense of joy that will touch the hearts of everyone I come in contact with. I will show you the power to overcome any obstacle. I may not have been given the best medical hand in this life, but I was blessed to live and to survive. Therefore I will keep a smile on my face and lift those around me up. I will not worry about the thoughts of others and I will live out my childhood dreams.

Seeing and learning about Joel has been a true blessing. He has a grin that cannot be taken away. I see such joy in his face and a fun playful imagination that is lost by most. Keep fighting strong Joel, You have a huge family of support here that has your back whenever you need us.

"I will not listen to the world and the labels that have been place against me. I will be me and the person I choose to be, no matter the struggles that lay ahead."

McKenna is a beautiful little girl I met through the family of SMA families. I noticed the odds that may have been stacked against her, but her strength has been shown. With an amazing family supporting her she has started to move more and have more life and fight back against SMA.

Keep fighting strong baby girl. We have your back.

"I will improve no matter the odds set against me, I will improve no matter the obstacles standing in my way."

Ethan I learned about from a friend who is her big sister. he was diagnosed younger of being autistic and in his younger days struggled with trying to communicate. Growing up he has been fighting and has learned to overcome the obstacles and now loves his school and classmates. He has learned to sign and communicate with his friends and family and has also become more independent and taking care of himself.

Way to go Ethan, I am proud of You. Keep fighting.

"My Bones may be weak, But my heart and soul are bulletproof!"

I was shown this video of Zoe and our baby made of glass and my heart just melted. Seeing what she has gone through and what she has overcome I could see immediately that she was a true fighter and ready to take on the world. It was Zoe's personality that truly grabbed me and compelled me to contact her family about doing this project for her. She is so happy and bubbly, she is living her life and pushing through the odds. Zoe doesn't let her condition stand in her way of life and being her. She will always be a kid having fun and no diagnosis or circumstances can ever change that.

Zoe I am inspired every single day with your outlook on life and I will not let anything in life hold me back. I will look towards you for my motivation to fight and to live my life on purpose.

Thank you Zoe for your inspiration, I am always in your corner rooting for you. Your family of support is here and has your back whenever you need us.

"I am NOT a SMA patient, I AM a goofy, silly little girl who just loves having fun."

I fell in love with Maisy and her strength. I saw her taking big strides and walking with her braces on and ever since she is battling and breaking through new obstacles every day. Keep beating the odds and sticking your tongue out at SMA!

Thank you for your motivation and determination and a very extra special thank you for your video and being so excited when you opened it. That truly touched my heart knowing that I could put that big smile on your face and that you loved the piece I created for you. I am very proud of all you have accomplished.

Keep fighting, stare SMA in the face and stick your tongue out and laugh as you know you will not be defeated.

"My days will be full of life and excitement no matter the cards I may have been dealt."

Mia is a young girl I have known for a few years. Seeing her run around I never knew and didn't learn until this project came to life and shared it with me. A young girl almost in her teens and already she has had to endure over 20 surgeries on her spine because of her scoliosis. Does she let that stop her? NO! She is always running around and jumping with so much energy it just wears you out just watching her. She also now helps out at the hospital that saved her life and love to give back.

Way to go Mia! Thank you for allowing me to join your fight and for helping me create something special for you.

​Keep being YOU.

"My bones are a little weaker, but that wont slow me down. I will keep my spunk and stay amazing!"


I met this little guy with a swagger walk and a special strength and pride in himself. He was always having fun and didn't let anything stop him or stand in his way. Colton is so fun and playful and even though I have seen him hurt his diagnosis is not something him or his family chooses to focus on.

"I have broken so many bones, but every time I got back up. I will be crazy and wild and stay a child at heart!"

I was introduced to this wild little dude and instantly fell in love. Kaden is so full of life and so wild and crazy it is just exciting to see him just loving and living life. A kid having fun like they should without any worries at all. That is how I see him living, he may have been diagnosed with OI, but he is definitely not defined by it.

Keep being loud and crazy and most of all keep being you Kaden!

Keep fighting strong Kaden, Myself and others are always in your corner cheering you on!

"I am Strong and I will continue to grow and get stronger. SMA may have taken some hits but I will always get back up!"

I have met Max personally and I love learning about him, both through that personal meeting and through his family. I can see his strength and fight to survive and live.

Little red Ryker

"My personality is WAY TOO BIG to be contained or altered by Osteogenesis Imperfecta! I am ME and I am proud of it!"​

I love seeing that smile and the huge personality he has. I discovered Ryker through my other heroes. Zoe and Kaden share OI with Ryker and through videos and pictures I fell in love with Ryker. The thing that always stood out to me from the beginning was his imagination and goofiness.

"I am special and unique because of my personality and who I am. Not because of what you see."

Sarai is a special little girl who is still having fun and enjoying her life regardless of her condition. Sarai has AIS and has had multiple surgeries and while a fun little girl unfortunately still has to battle with bullies because of her condition and her colostomy bag. I created this hero for her to be a cute little friend and hero to help her feel special.

"I will be silly and goofy because I feel like it. I will not be held back or defined by SMA."

"I think I can make you smile even when your down. I will not be held back or defined by SMA."

These two little fun brothers were born with SMA and like every other one of my heroes enjoy life regardless of what they have. They just got a new little sister and are the best big brothers around her. Bryce and James have their own separate personalities and fun times.

"I am going to live every moment to the fullest and smile always. I will not be held back by SMA"

My newest hero is from across the world over in the UK comes little Ella Rose. She was also born with SMA and is an amazing little girl fighting hard. Although she is fighting she has never let it hold her back. She is silly and funny and always laughing. A child with a big imagination ready to take on the world.

A rare Ruby and Abbie

"You will always catch me smiling and having fun and making my friends laugh."

Meet my special little friend Ruby. Ruby has a condition called Leukodystrophies and makes it hard for her brain to communicate with her body. A saw a video of her and her best friend Abbie playing and I fell in love. I reached out and wanted to create something special for her. I also said that her friend is such an amazing little kid that I wanted to add her to the piece as well.

"I will not allow my condition to hold me back from being extreme!"

Blake is a special little boy I have met through his family through my artwork and the little heroes project. He is in a wheelchair but is still always up beat and having fun. Loving skateboarding and the extreme sports scene so I have created this special little piece just for him.

"I will fight hard to overcome my own obstacles."

Skyler is my little wrestling hero! I met his family through the convention scene and learned about him and his battle with Autism. So here I have created something special with him in his wrestling uniform as his favorite animal, a giraffe.


"I will prove to the world that a kid with disabilities can smile and have fun. I will prove those doubters wrong and I will make my dreams come true."

Sammi is a determined little girl who will not allow anything to stand in her way. She is going after her dreams and breaking stereotypes as she paves her own path to greatness. Sammi is a super fun and sassy girl who just enjoys life and animals. And now she going after her dreams of becoming an actress. She is showing everyone that young children can be fun and happy, that kids in wheelchairs can smile and laugh, and that you are not your disability and you can do anything you set your mind to.

"I will have fun and be silly, SMA cannot stop me"

​Hazel may be battling SMA, but she will not let that get her down. Seeing pictures and videos of her playing and smiling inspired me to create this piece for her. A special little character of her as Moana riding the waves and having fun on her very own special journey of life.

"I was told I wouldn't survive birth. I was told I wouldn't have a good quality of life. Look at me now! You can't even catch up with me"

Mayah I met through the go shout love charity and watched her videos. I was so touched by her energy and her silliness. She was born with a rare form of skeletal dysplasia and was told that she little chance of surviving. However look at her today almost 6 years old and crushing it. She is active and runs around playing with her older sisters. She talks even though she shouldn't be able to because of her tube. And she loves dinosaurs. I was so blessed to here your story and I am so happy you loved your little hero Mayah dinosaur.