What are your inner demons
Description coming soon
Below are my inner demons - Let's face them together
Series 1
(Demon of Distraction) Look Squirrel! Have you ever got that feeling? That sudden impulse that steals you away from your main focus. A playful little critter that grabs your attention and won't let go. Somehow he is even able to drain your motivation tank. Your mind loses focus, what you were doing is now lost, those important thoughts and your purpose now seem mediocre. Somehow you have gotten lost and everything you had planned has disappeared. Try to keep your mind focus on what's important and don't let it go! |
(Fear of Failure) When we allow fear to manifest within ourselves it grow and starts to take control. Our voice goes soft and eventually disappears as our voice goes unnoticed. We start to hold everything in and become shy to share ourselves. Our work in which we have poured countless hours into is now hidden in the corner. Keeping it to ourselves for the fear of judgement. Then this feeling becomes a breeding ground for shame and self-hatred. Don't let the poison reach your blood stream. Don't fear the unknown, and understand that no matter where you are in life you are on a journey and in a constant state of progress. |
(Impossible Demon) He comes into view and my eyes finally focus and can see him clearly. This creature has a strange look on his face. As if he can see into my mind and see what I am thinking and dreaming about. His expression is telling me I'm crazy. That my dreams are impossible. That it's too hard or too out there. That I will not be able to do them. However with this slight smile I also get a sense of "Really?, that's interesting or different." The conflicting messages are playing in my mind and running it in circles. Is that his intention? The word impossible is a depressing word. One created to describe what others believe cannot be done. Challenge the "impossible"! |
(Demon of Stress) I see this creature rising from the shadows. He looks so small at first but as he gets closer he keeps growing bigger and bigger until I can no longer control or contain him. I put on a big fake smile as I clench my teeth. However my eyes show the true sadness and stress that is hidden beneath. How did he influence me so quickly and so much? Stress is a tricky monster because he sneaks in and then just grows and grows. Plush the main treatment is people telling you not to stress. Ha, like that works. Try to take a step back , feel your blessings, figure out what you can learn from this and the parts that you have control over. (no use stressing on things out of your control.) It is like stressing over the rain. Whether you do it for 5 minutes or 5 hours the rain won't stop because of you. However you can grab an umbrella, or a tent, or move the party inside. Better yet go out and play in the rain and enjoy it! |
(analysis paralysis demon) He has found me again! Somehow he has snuck in from the shadows. Chasing my thoughts in circles and making me think so much that I lose track of my thoughts. He has created this cloud of anxiety and has burned a hole for a few of his unwelcome buddies to come in and start playing games with my mind. So confused and taken over that sometimes I spend entire days trying to figure out where I'm at and what I am thinking. Get moving and get started. Just start doing and by converting your focus to an action and you will not be able to chase your thoughts. |
Chaos (inconsistency demon Have you ever seen or faced that little monster that tries to throw you off your game? Right after you get excited and pumped he begins to work his spells. Watching you as you come down off of your high, ready to pounce. He will usually be teamed up with procrastination and infect you and bring down your drive. Do not let him in. Keep your eyes focused on your goals and your mind focused on your blessings. |
(intimidation demon) Every new day we wake up. There will be someone or something trying to sway or tell us our path. Whether it's your parents pointing you in a career path or society trying to make you fit in. There will always be someone trying to persuade you. The question is will you allow them to? Stick to your heart and your gut and be the person you were made to be. |
(demon of regret) The world is moving at 1,000 miles an hour and news flash we are human. We were designed to make choices and yes even mistakes. That is how we learn. However, I was told once that if you keep walking forward with your head turned looking behind you, you will walk smack into a tree. Try your best to accept the past and push past it. But do not stay stuck in it or looking back. If you do the future will knock you over repeatedly and you will never be able to catch your balance. Respect and learn from the past, Look towards and plan for the future, Keep your feet planted and Live in the present. |
(procrastination demon) There is always tomorrow. And think about it, do you want to get out of your nice warm bed to work on that? Plus, you only have 1 hour now, but tomorrow you will have 2! Heck no! If I do both, I will have 3! And if I just get started, I will feel amazing and get lost in my passion and make it 5 hours. Plus, I will sleep better tonight and wake up happier tomorrow. Do not tempt me with your way's procrastination. When procrastination tries to knock, get up and get moving. The energy will flow back into you and even if it is only for 10 minutes you will have overcome him and feel better for doing it. There is no time like the present. |